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Our newest selections for books and DVDs

Stop in soon for some great mid-summer reading and watching.  Our newest additions include biographies and autobiography:  Jackie Bouvier (Kennedy), Sam Shepard, Oppenheimer, Elliot Page.

Books for children include several titles from the fun and informative “Who Would Win?” series.  Polar Bear vs Grizzly?  Tarantula vs Scorpion?  You won’t know unless you read the books…  And for fast-approaching September, “The Crayons Go Back to School.”

Terrific fiction:  “Somebody’s Fool,” “Happy Place,” “Old God’s Time”, “Good Night, Irene,” “Yellowface.”

DVDs include “Freaks and Geeks,” “Dectectorists”, and “Your Honor” TV series.

We’re open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays 8:30am - 3:30pm; Saturdays 10am - 2:00pm.


We’re on Facebook and Instagram!

Check out our Facebook pages and Instagram feed!  We’ve updated all the pages and hope that you’ll enjoy browsing through the information.  Please let us know of anything you’d like included - we’re striving to be a place of community resources.  And, of course, a place to find great books to read.

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